Here's the playlist for Magnetism. It's not finished yet since I'll probably add more songs if I hear ones that would go well with the story, but this is what I have so far :)
Newly added songs are in bold.
Landon Pigg - Magnetism
The Perishers - My Heart
Doves - Caught By The River
A Fine Frenzy - New Heights
The Kills - U.R.A. Fever
VNV Nation - Standing
John Mayer - Edge of Desire
Lady Gaga - So Happy I Could Die
Lady Gaga - Lovegame
Jonas Brothers - Black Keys
Jonas Brothers (feat. Miley Cyrus) - Before the Storm
Citizen Cope - Sideways
Citizen Cope - Holdin' On
Civil Twilight - Next To Me
Abra Moore - No Turning Back
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Chapter 5
(The dream sequence was written by the lovely angela4148. Find her on and read her fabulous fics!)
Bella was becoming very impatient as she stood at the main counter in the emergency room. Carlisle had given her an envelope to bring down to Edward and she couldn't even find him. Angela had the day off so Bella had to suck it up and ask Lauren where Edward was. Being the bitch that she was, Lauren had refused to tell her and walked away.
Bella waited a few more minutes and then decided to see if Emmett knew where Edward was.
She pushed open the door to the pharmacy and suddenly found herself in a dark room she had never been in before.
She looked for a light switch to see where she was but instantly froze when two strong, cold hands ran up her side. Her breath hitched and she was pushed forward before she had time to process what was happening. She heard the door shut and lock.
The fear rose in her chest and she took a step away from the dark figure lurking by the door. She wanted to scream but something was stopping her. She didn't know what it was but it was strangling all the sound from her. The figure started to walk forward and she instinctively moved back away from him. The backs of her knees hit the bed and she fell on to it. The figured moved so quickly she didn't catch the movement until he was hovering over her. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the man who would be attacking her at any moment, bracing herself.
"Bella open your eyes." His voice was smooth and familiar.
She opened her eyes to see Edward over her, penetrating her with his stare.
"I can't stand not being able to touch you. I need to touch you."
He thrust his tongue into her mouth. She relished in the feeling of finally kissing him and laced her fingers into his hair. She moved under him, grinding against his hard cock, her skirt riding up from the movement. The only barrier between them now were her panties and his thin scrubs. Kissing and moaning, they explored each others bodies. He slid his fingers down her chest, palming her breast. She moaned out his name and he slid his hand a little lower. He hooked his thumb into the side of her panties and pulled them down slowly. She reached for the tie in his scrub pants and pulled. His pants fell to the floor and she moved to hook her feet in his underwear. She pushed them down to his legs and he stepped out of them. He moved closer to her, pulling her legs to wrap around his waist.
The idea of getting caught made Bella want him even more. She didn't care if they got in trouble. They were both naked from the waist down and she could feel Edward's hard erection rubbing along her folds. She was shaking from the anticipation of finally being with him, feeling him move inside her.
She pushed herself to him as he thrust forward, filling her completely. They both moaned out together, shocked by the perfect connection. He moved inside of her slowly at first, then picked up his pace. The need and want getting the best of her, Bella reached up pulling his neck to her, sucking and biting hard. Wanting to mark him as hers. The room was hot and damp from the friction of him moving in and out of her. She was so hot and Edward had a sexy sheen of sweat on his face. His pace slowed and it was torture. She wanted to scream out "HARDER" but just then there was a knock on the door. Edward looked down at her with panic in his eyes. They both knew that they were caught.
Someone cleared their throat.
Bella snapped out of her daydream and looked up to see Carlisle standing beside her desk, looking down at her curiously. She blushed instantly and shifted uncomfortably in her chair, embarrassed at being caught with her head in the clouds.
"Sorry, Dr. Cullen. I guess I was a little distracted."
He smiled. "That's okay, it happens sometimes."
She heard in his tone what he didn't say out loud. 'Don't make a habit of it.'
"I'm running downstairs for a minute. Eward should be stopping up here. Just let him know I'll be back shortly."
She nodded. She felt nervous as soon as he mentioned Edward but was extremely excited to see him again.
"Alright, I'll be back." Carlisle said and left the office.
Bella sighed and smacked herself on the forehead as soon as the door closed. 'Great job,' she scolded herself, 'getting caught daydreaming when you're supposed to be working.'
It was becoming too much of a habit. She had been daydreaming too much ever since she had danced with Edward a week and a half before at the club. As if dreaming about him every night wasn't enough. She just couldn't help thinking about him.
To say she was becoming a bit frustrated was a gross understatement.
It was Wednesday, two days before they left for California for the medical conference. She knew she would be sharing a hotel room with Angela which only increased her anxiety about the whole trip. She knew she talked in her sleep and Alice had, unfortunately, heard her the last few nights, moaning out Edward's name. She was afraid she would do that on the trip with Angela right there to hear it.
The office door opened and her heart sped up when Edward stepped in. She had to stop herself from ogling him outright; he looked so good in his blue scrubs and white coat.
Edward smiled instantly at the sight of her. "Hello, Bella." He said as he stopped in front of her desk.
His voice was so smooth and sweet that she realized suddenly how much she had actually missed hearing it. She hadn't seen much of him since the night they went to the club. One of the other ER doctors had taken some vacation time, causing Edward to work extra shifts.
"Hi, Edward." She finally replied, smiling back. She frowned then as she got a good look at him. "You look tired."
"Yeah," he shrugged a little, "it's been a bit busy downstairs."
"You don't get any breaks?" She was obviously concerned. He would probably get sick if he didn't get enough sleep.
"I'm going to lunch after I talk to Carlisle and then I'll grab a nap in the on-call room for a little bit."
Bella's mind immediately went to the dream she had been having. She had to force herself to stop thinking about it and to concentrate on their conversation.
"Well, good." She nodded. "Don't want you getting sick from exhaustion."
His smile widened. "That we don't." He glanced at Carlisle's closed office door. "Is he in?"
"Oh, no. He ran downstairs for a minute. He told me to tell you he'd be right back."
Edward nodded and moved to lean on the side of the desk. He glanced at the door that led to the hallway and then turned back to her.
"So, do you get to go to lunch soon?" He asked.
"Yeah." She replied, tapping her fingers nervously on her desk top. "I think after Dr. Cullen's done talking with you."
He nodded again. "Do you want to have lunch with me? It's okay if you already have other plans."
She frowned. Of course the day she had lunch plans with Alice was the day Edward asked her to lunch. 'Damnit!' "Alice is meeting me for lunch... You could join us if you'd like!" 'Please say yes.'
"That's okay, maybe another time." He smiled but there was something in his eyes.
'Could he possibly be disappointed?' Bella gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I wish I could. I'd cancel on her but she'd kill me."
He laughed. "Yeah, you don't want to get her angry."
"Especially since I live with her." Bella rolled her eyes.
"You live with Alice?"
"Yeah. I have for a couple of years."
"Huh." He said thoughtfully, his eyebrows scrunching together.
"What?" Bella leaned forward slightly, propping her chin on her hand.
"Nothing," he replied. "It's just weird that we've never met before, considering we both know Alice, Emmett and Rosalie."
"I don't know." She shrugged. She had actually been wondering the same thing. "I'm not really one for going out unless the girls forced me to, and up until a few months ago I had been spending a lot of time with my boyfriend Mike."
Edward frowned slightly. "So you have a boyfriend? Why didn't he come to the club the other night?"
"Sorry, ex-boyfriend." She clarified quickly. "Definitely an ex-boyfriend."
"Oh, sorry to hear that." He sounded sincere but the corners of his mouth twitched as though he wanted to smile.
"Don't be. I'm not." She laughed.
Yes, at times like this she was very glad she was single. Being single meant she could flirt with and want Edward as much as she wanted without feeling guilty.
"As long as you're not upset." His gorgeous smile was back.
She could stare at his smile all day and never get tired of it. That smile would make the worst day better. It would be the same when it came to his eyes if she wasn't so shy about looking into them for too long. She didn't want to stare; it would probably make him uncomfortable.
"Nowhere near being upset." She just barely caught herself before she giggled.
Carlisle walked in then and Edward straightened up.
"Hope I didn't keep you waiting long." He said to Edward as he crossed the room.
"That's okay. Bella kept me company."
Bella tried to hold back the giddy smile that wanted to break out by biting the inside of her cheek. She caught Carlisle's eye and turned back to her computer, trying to look busy.
"Alright," Edward said, getting Carlisle's attention, "let's get this over with so I can grab some lunch and a nap."
Bella's eyebrows shot up, surprised that Edward would talk to his boss that way. She knew they were all casual with addressing each other but didn't think they were that casual. Carlisle shook his head and the both disappeared into his office.
It took all of her concentration to think about doing her job and not the drool-worthy doctor in the next room. She had to print a couple of emails out for Carlisle and had wanted to organize her desk a little better, but that was before Edward had come to the office and distracted her. Needless to say, the only thing she accomplished during their fifteen minute meeting was printing out the two emails.
The door next to her opened and Edward walked out. Carlisle stopped in the doorway of his office.
"Let me know as soon as possible." Carlisle told Edward she he headed for the door.
She could have sworn she saw Edward roll his eyes as he called over his shoulder. "I will."
As soon as Edward left, Carlisle told Bella she could go to lunch. He went back into his office and shut the door.
Bella grabbed her cellphone and hurried down to the cafeteria, almost mowing down an elderly woman when she got off the elevator. Alice was there waiting for her outside the cafeteria, a take-out bag from Panera's in her hand.
"Hey girlie." Alice greeted her cheerfully.
"Hey. What'd you get me?" Bella asked as they entered the cafeteria.
She would usually sit in a booth along the wall during lunch but Alice chose a small table in the middle of the room. Bella would have asked to sit somewhere else but then she would have to explain to her friend why it mattered.
Edward was already there. She had spotted him as soon as they had walked in; it was like she had Edward Radar, always aware of him if they were in the same room. He was sitting in a booth with Emmett across from him.
'Good,' she thought, 'at least he's not alone.' She would have felt awful if he'd had to have lunch by himself.
"So, I was thinking," Alice said and Bella realized she had been talking to whole time she had been looking at Edward. "I should help you pack for the conference you're going to on Friday."
"I think I can handle packing. It's not a big deal."
"You probably won't take enough of the right clothing with you." Alice said with a shake of her head.
Bella rolled her eyes. "I'll only be gone for three days. It's not like I'm going on a week-long romantic cruise. There's no need for a bathing suit or any sexy lingerie."
"Au contraire, mon frere." Alice said in a horrible French accent.
"Alice, you just called me your brother." Bella pointed out, causing Alice to wave a finger in her face.
"It doesn't matter! What I'm saying is, what if Edward wants you? How embarrassing would it be to caught in regular old panties? Granny panties are not sexy."
"He doesn't want me and you know very well I don't own a pair of granny panties." Bella said indignantly.
"Whatever you say." Alice put her hands up in mock defense. "But I'm helping you pack. There's no way out of it so don't argue with me."
Bella took her advice and didn't argue. She knew that if she didn't let Alice help, Alice would wait for her to fall asleep and then repack her suitcase for her anyway.
Changing the subject, Bella asked her how things were going with Jasper. Alice buzzed with excitement as she talked about Jasper, and Bella was jealous. Why couldn't she find a nice guy who was into her as much as she was into him?
'I know life isn't fair but for god sakes, can I get at least one break when it comes to love once in a while?'
She sighed and glanced across the room.
Edward had left.
She pouted. Picking at her food, she tuned Alice out and thought about Edward. Frankly she thought her feelings for him were getting a little out of hand. She barely knew him but all she wanted to do was be around him. It was like something eased inside of her when he was close by, when she could see him. She didn't feel as tense when she was around him.
The alarm on her phone went off when she had five minutes left of her lunch.
"I should get back upstairs."
Alice raised an eyebrow at her. "What's got you all mopey?"
"I'm not mopey." Bella said defensively.
"Of course you're not." Alice's tone told her she didn't believe one word Bella was saying.
They said goodbye and Bella headed up to Carlisle's office. She plopped herself down into the chair behind her desk and checked for any new emails Carlisle might need.
Carlisle's door swung open, causing her to jump. She had thought he was still at lunch. He stuck his head out of his office.
"Sorry Bella," he said with a small smile, "I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's okay. I'm easy to scare."
"Can you go find Edward for me and ask him for his answer to a question I asked him earlier? I tried calling him but he didn't answer."
"I think he said he was going to squeeze in a nap before he went back to the ER." Bella explained.
"If he's sleeping, wake him up. I really need that answer."
Bella nodded and stood up. If Edward was sleeping she really didn't want to wake him up. He had looked so tired when he had come to the office earlier. She made her way downstairs and decided to check the ER first, just in case Edward had gotten called back to work.
She spotted Angela at the nurse's station and went right to her.
"Hey Ange," she said, leaning forward on the counter. "is Edward here?"
"No, he's still on break." Angela replied as she sifted through a stack of charts. "Why?"
"Carlisle wants me to ask him something."
"Ah," Angela said. "Well he stopped by and said he'd be in the lounge."
Bella thanked her and quickly left the ER. It took her a few minutes to find the doctor's lounge since she had only been there once – with Angela on her first day – and hadn't paid enough attention to where she was going.
The doctor's lounge was a fairly large room that connected to the women's and men's locker rooms. Windows line the wall across from the doorway, brightly lighting the room. There seemed to be an invisible line that cut the room in half. On the left side there were two tables a little larger than the ones in the cafeteria. There was also a stove, a refrigerator and a counter with a sink that lined the wall. A coffee maker and microwave sat on the counter. On the right side of the room were two couches placed kitty-corner to each other – one against the wall under the windows and one towing the invisible line. There was also a set of armchairs that completed a squared-off horseshoe with the two couches. A coffee table sat neatly in the middle.
A large flatscreen tv was bolted to the far right wall, facing the seating area. The rest of the space was taken up by the doors to the locker rooms. Across the room, opposite the windows, were two vending machines; one for water and soda, and one for snacks.
Bella noticed immediately that Edward wasn't there and prepared to leave when she heard a locker slam shut in the men's room.
'Maybe Edward's in there...' she thought as she walked to the locker room door. Reaching for the handle, she stopped short. 'What are you doing?! You can't just go into the men's locker room!' She decided to wait for him to come out and sat down on one of the couches.
Five minutes passed.
Ten minutes passed.
'Is that the shower?' Curiously, she went back to the door and and opened it the tiniest bit.
One of the three showers was being used.
Bella bit her lip as she wondered what to do. Should she wait until he came out? What would happen if she waited and it turned out that it was someone else besides Edward in there? She would have wasted time when she could have already found where Edward really was and gotten Carlisle's information... No, she definitely needed to make sure it was Edward in the locker room.
Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the door and locked it behind her. She didn't need anyone else catching her in there where she didn't belong. With her luck she'd get written up for sexual harassment in the workplace.
She passed a few rows of lockers and stopped at the corner where they ended. Around that corner and to the left were three shower stalls. She hadn't truly expected to see who was in the shower but rather a clue that it was Edward in there. Maybe his white coat with his name on it would be hanging up... She spotted the coat, folded and sitting on a bench right across from the stalls.
'Great.' She thought bitterly. There was no way she could see the name on his coat without going over and running the serious risk of being caught. 'I should just go out and wait.'
That sounded like a solid plan until she glanced toward the shower stalls.
It was Edward.
The curtain on the stall in use hung slightly open, just enough for her to see a little of him standing away from the water raining down. He stepped under the water to wash his hair.
Okay, make that a lot of him.
Bella couldn't help but watch his delicious body – delicious, wet body. She had figured he had a nice physique, but seeing him naked just proved it without a doubt. He was tall and skinny, but not too skinny. By the way the muscles in his arms, back and legs flexed as he moved, she could tell he worked out. His muscles were toned but not cut and bulky. She was thankful for that; she liked real men, not ones who looked like bodybuilders.
She had to grip onto the corner of the wall when Edward turned his back to the water. Eyeing him hungrily, she let her gaze go from his beautiful face down to his slightly hairy chest. Her hands itched to run along his chest, up over his shoulders and into his hair. Her eyes traveled farther down and she couldn't stop the noise that came from her – half gasp, half moan. His manhood was very impressive. She felt heat pool between her legs, wanting to feel his body pressed against hers.
He turned again and her eyes widened. Was he...
'Sweet baby jesus. He's hard!'
Her breathing picked up as she imagined herself in the shower with him. Even though she had never wanted to give a man oral sex before, she would have no problem getting down on her knees and taking Edward into her mouth.
In the far back of her head her conscience told her to stop being a complete creep and get out of the locker room. But she had no choice. She couldn't tear her eyes away from his glorious body.
A low, quiet moan came from him as she watched him wrap his hand around his cock. His other hand came up to rest against the wall, holding him up, and his head hung down under the water.
Edward grunted as he slid his hand along his length and Bella forced herself to rush out of the locker room before she did something stupid.
Perched rigidly on the edge of one of the couches, she clasped her hands together and tried to think of anything other than what she had just seen. She tried to think of something completely repulsive to ease the throbbing ache between her thighs. Her attempts failed; all she could think about was joining Edward in the shower. She closed her eyes, imagining how good it would feel to press her naked body against his. Her nipples hardened at just the thought of his bare chest brushing against them... or his tongue and teeth.
"Oh dear god." She breathed out, putting her head in her hands and gripping onto her hair. Her heart was racing and her face felt hot.
Her head snapped up, practically giving her whiplash. How long had she been sitting there? Edward stood there in a fresh pair of blue scrubs, his hair towel dried. It stood at all angles and she watched him run his hand through it. She wanted so badly for his hands to lace into her hair.
"What're you doing here?" He asked. His eyes widened when he saw her flushed cheeks. "Are you okay?"
She nodded and smoothed her own hair out. "I, uh..." Shaking her head, she tried to snap out of the lustful daze she was in. "Uh, Carlisle tried calling you but you didn't answer so he sent me to find you."
He rolled his eyes and walked over to the vending machines. "I'm assuming he wants an answer from me." He slid a couple of dollars into the soda machine. "Do you want a drink?"
"Sure, thanks. I'll take a cock- COKE!"
'Ohmigod. Fuck my life.'
He raised an eyebrow at her as he pulled a couple of more dollars from his pocket.
"Actually, I should probably just get back upstairs." She stood up and, for a moment, didn't know what to do. Then her brain kicked into action and she headed for the door.
"Bella." He called and she turned to face him nervously. "Tell Carlisle that I'll be there."
"Sure, okay. I will." She said and rushed out the door.
'Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod...' She felt like she was hyperventilating inside her head. 'Could you have been any more awkward around him?! Jeez!'
There was no way that she could look him in the face now. All she would ever be able to think about when she saw him was watching him start to masturbate in the shower. And hearing the sounds coming from him...
'Oh dear lord.' The ache was back.
This would definitely make her job and following Carlisle's rules that much more difficult.
Bella was becoming very impatient as she stood at the main counter in the emergency room. Carlisle had given her an envelope to bring down to Edward and she couldn't even find him. Angela had the day off so Bella had to suck it up and ask Lauren where Edward was. Being the bitch that she was, Lauren had refused to tell her and walked away.
Bella waited a few more minutes and then decided to see if Emmett knew where Edward was.
She pushed open the door to the pharmacy and suddenly found herself in a dark room she had never been in before.
She looked for a light switch to see where she was but instantly froze when two strong, cold hands ran up her side. Her breath hitched and she was pushed forward before she had time to process what was happening. She heard the door shut and lock.
The fear rose in her chest and she took a step away from the dark figure lurking by the door. She wanted to scream but something was stopping her. She didn't know what it was but it was strangling all the sound from her. The figure started to walk forward and she instinctively moved back away from him. The backs of her knees hit the bed and she fell on to it. The figured moved so quickly she didn't catch the movement until he was hovering over her. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the man who would be attacking her at any moment, bracing herself.
"Bella open your eyes." His voice was smooth and familiar.
She opened her eyes to see Edward over her, penetrating her with his stare.
"I can't stand not being able to touch you. I need to touch you."
He thrust his tongue into her mouth. She relished in the feeling of finally kissing him and laced her fingers into his hair. She moved under him, grinding against his hard cock, her skirt riding up from the movement. The only barrier between them now were her panties and his thin scrubs. Kissing and moaning, they explored each others bodies. He slid his fingers down her chest, palming her breast. She moaned out his name and he slid his hand a little lower. He hooked his thumb into the side of her panties and pulled them down slowly. She reached for the tie in his scrub pants and pulled. His pants fell to the floor and she moved to hook her feet in his underwear. She pushed them down to his legs and he stepped out of them. He moved closer to her, pulling her legs to wrap around his waist.
The idea of getting caught made Bella want him even more. She didn't care if they got in trouble. They were both naked from the waist down and she could feel Edward's hard erection rubbing along her folds. She was shaking from the anticipation of finally being with him, feeling him move inside her.
She pushed herself to him as he thrust forward, filling her completely. They both moaned out together, shocked by the perfect connection. He moved inside of her slowly at first, then picked up his pace. The need and want getting the best of her, Bella reached up pulling his neck to her, sucking and biting hard. Wanting to mark him as hers. The room was hot and damp from the friction of him moving in and out of her. She was so hot and Edward had a sexy sheen of sweat on his face. His pace slowed and it was torture. She wanted to scream out "HARDER" but just then there was a knock on the door. Edward looked down at her with panic in his eyes. They both knew that they were caught.
Someone cleared their throat.
Bella snapped out of her daydream and looked up to see Carlisle standing beside her desk, looking down at her curiously. She blushed instantly and shifted uncomfortably in her chair, embarrassed at being caught with her head in the clouds.
"Sorry, Dr. Cullen. I guess I was a little distracted."
He smiled. "That's okay, it happens sometimes."
She heard in his tone what he didn't say out loud. 'Don't make a habit of it.'
"I'm running downstairs for a minute. Eward should be stopping up here. Just let him know I'll be back shortly."
She nodded. She felt nervous as soon as he mentioned Edward but was extremely excited to see him again.
"Alright, I'll be back." Carlisle said and left the office.
Bella sighed and smacked herself on the forehead as soon as the door closed. 'Great job,' she scolded herself, 'getting caught daydreaming when you're supposed to be working.'
It was becoming too much of a habit. She had been daydreaming too much ever since she had danced with Edward a week and a half before at the club. As if dreaming about him every night wasn't enough. She just couldn't help thinking about him.
To say she was becoming a bit frustrated was a gross understatement.
It was Wednesday, two days before they left for California for the medical conference. She knew she would be sharing a hotel room with Angela which only increased her anxiety about the whole trip. She knew she talked in her sleep and Alice had, unfortunately, heard her the last few nights, moaning out Edward's name. She was afraid she would do that on the trip with Angela right there to hear it.
The office door opened and her heart sped up when Edward stepped in. She had to stop herself from ogling him outright; he looked so good in his blue scrubs and white coat.
Edward smiled instantly at the sight of her. "Hello, Bella." He said as he stopped in front of her desk.
His voice was so smooth and sweet that she realized suddenly how much she had actually missed hearing it. She hadn't seen much of him since the night they went to the club. One of the other ER doctors had taken some vacation time, causing Edward to work extra shifts.
"Hi, Edward." She finally replied, smiling back. She frowned then as she got a good look at him. "You look tired."
"Yeah," he shrugged a little, "it's been a bit busy downstairs."
"You don't get any breaks?" She was obviously concerned. He would probably get sick if he didn't get enough sleep.
"I'm going to lunch after I talk to Carlisle and then I'll grab a nap in the on-call room for a little bit."
Bella's mind immediately went to the dream she had been having. She had to force herself to stop thinking about it and to concentrate on their conversation.
"Well, good." She nodded. "Don't want you getting sick from exhaustion."
His smile widened. "That we don't." He glanced at Carlisle's closed office door. "Is he in?"
"Oh, no. He ran downstairs for a minute. He told me to tell you he'd be right back."
Edward nodded and moved to lean on the side of the desk. He glanced at the door that led to the hallway and then turned back to her.
"So, do you get to go to lunch soon?" He asked.
"Yeah." She replied, tapping her fingers nervously on her desk top. "I think after Dr. Cullen's done talking with you."
He nodded again. "Do you want to have lunch with me? It's okay if you already have other plans."
She frowned. Of course the day she had lunch plans with Alice was the day Edward asked her to lunch. 'Damnit!' "Alice is meeting me for lunch... You could join us if you'd like!" 'Please say yes.'
"That's okay, maybe another time." He smiled but there was something in his eyes.
'Could he possibly be disappointed?' Bella gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I wish I could. I'd cancel on her but she'd kill me."
He laughed. "Yeah, you don't want to get her angry."
"Especially since I live with her." Bella rolled her eyes.
"You live with Alice?"
"Yeah. I have for a couple of years."
"Huh." He said thoughtfully, his eyebrows scrunching together.
"What?" Bella leaned forward slightly, propping her chin on her hand.
"Nothing," he replied. "It's just weird that we've never met before, considering we both know Alice, Emmett and Rosalie."
"I don't know." She shrugged. She had actually been wondering the same thing. "I'm not really one for going out unless the girls forced me to, and up until a few months ago I had been spending a lot of time with my boyfriend Mike."
Edward frowned slightly. "So you have a boyfriend? Why didn't he come to the club the other night?"
"Sorry, ex-boyfriend." She clarified quickly. "Definitely an ex-boyfriend."
"Oh, sorry to hear that." He sounded sincere but the corners of his mouth twitched as though he wanted to smile.
"Don't be. I'm not." She laughed.
Yes, at times like this she was very glad she was single. Being single meant she could flirt with and want Edward as much as she wanted without feeling guilty.
"As long as you're not upset." His gorgeous smile was back.
She could stare at his smile all day and never get tired of it. That smile would make the worst day better. It would be the same when it came to his eyes if she wasn't so shy about looking into them for too long. She didn't want to stare; it would probably make him uncomfortable.
"Nowhere near being upset." She just barely caught herself before she giggled.
Carlisle walked in then and Edward straightened up.
"Hope I didn't keep you waiting long." He said to Edward as he crossed the room.
"That's okay. Bella kept me company."
Bella tried to hold back the giddy smile that wanted to break out by biting the inside of her cheek. She caught Carlisle's eye and turned back to her computer, trying to look busy.
"Alright," Edward said, getting Carlisle's attention, "let's get this over with so I can grab some lunch and a nap."
Bella's eyebrows shot up, surprised that Edward would talk to his boss that way. She knew they were all casual with addressing each other but didn't think they were that casual. Carlisle shook his head and the both disappeared into his office.
It took all of her concentration to think about doing her job and not the drool-worthy doctor in the next room. She had to print a couple of emails out for Carlisle and had wanted to organize her desk a little better, but that was before Edward had come to the office and distracted her. Needless to say, the only thing she accomplished during their fifteen minute meeting was printing out the two emails.
The door next to her opened and Edward walked out. Carlisle stopped in the doorway of his office.
"Let me know as soon as possible." Carlisle told Edward she he headed for the door.
She could have sworn she saw Edward roll his eyes as he called over his shoulder. "I will."
As soon as Edward left, Carlisle told Bella she could go to lunch. He went back into his office and shut the door.
Bella grabbed her cellphone and hurried down to the cafeteria, almost mowing down an elderly woman when she got off the elevator. Alice was there waiting for her outside the cafeteria, a take-out bag from Panera's in her hand.
"Hey girlie." Alice greeted her cheerfully.
"Hey. What'd you get me?" Bella asked as they entered the cafeteria.
She would usually sit in a booth along the wall during lunch but Alice chose a small table in the middle of the room. Bella would have asked to sit somewhere else but then she would have to explain to her friend why it mattered.
Edward was already there. She had spotted him as soon as they had walked in; it was like she had Edward Radar, always aware of him if they were in the same room. He was sitting in a booth with Emmett across from him.
'Good,' she thought, 'at least he's not alone.' She would have felt awful if he'd had to have lunch by himself.
"So, I was thinking," Alice said and Bella realized she had been talking to whole time she had been looking at Edward. "I should help you pack for the conference you're going to on Friday."
"I think I can handle packing. It's not a big deal."
"You probably won't take enough of the right clothing with you." Alice said with a shake of her head.
Bella rolled her eyes. "I'll only be gone for three days. It's not like I'm going on a week-long romantic cruise. There's no need for a bathing suit or any sexy lingerie."
"Au contraire, mon frere." Alice said in a horrible French accent.
"Alice, you just called me your brother." Bella pointed out, causing Alice to wave a finger in her face.
"It doesn't matter! What I'm saying is, what if Edward wants you? How embarrassing would it be to caught in regular old panties? Granny panties are not sexy."
"He doesn't want me and you know very well I don't own a pair of granny panties." Bella said indignantly.
"Whatever you say." Alice put her hands up in mock defense. "But I'm helping you pack. There's no way out of it so don't argue with me."
Bella took her advice and didn't argue. She knew that if she didn't let Alice help, Alice would wait for her to fall asleep and then repack her suitcase for her anyway.
Changing the subject, Bella asked her how things were going with Jasper. Alice buzzed with excitement as she talked about Jasper, and Bella was jealous. Why couldn't she find a nice guy who was into her as much as she was into him?
'I know life isn't fair but for god sakes, can I get at least one break when it comes to love once in a while?'
She sighed and glanced across the room.
Edward had left.
She pouted. Picking at her food, she tuned Alice out and thought about Edward. Frankly she thought her feelings for him were getting a little out of hand. She barely knew him but all she wanted to do was be around him. It was like something eased inside of her when he was close by, when she could see him. She didn't feel as tense when she was around him.
The alarm on her phone went off when she had five minutes left of her lunch.
"I should get back upstairs."
Alice raised an eyebrow at her. "What's got you all mopey?"
"I'm not mopey." Bella said defensively.
"Of course you're not." Alice's tone told her she didn't believe one word Bella was saying.
They said goodbye and Bella headed up to Carlisle's office. She plopped herself down into the chair behind her desk and checked for any new emails Carlisle might need.
Carlisle's door swung open, causing her to jump. She had thought he was still at lunch. He stuck his head out of his office.
"Sorry Bella," he said with a small smile, "I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's okay. I'm easy to scare."
"Can you go find Edward for me and ask him for his answer to a question I asked him earlier? I tried calling him but he didn't answer."
"I think he said he was going to squeeze in a nap before he went back to the ER." Bella explained.
"If he's sleeping, wake him up. I really need that answer."
Bella nodded and stood up. If Edward was sleeping she really didn't want to wake him up. He had looked so tired when he had come to the office earlier. She made her way downstairs and decided to check the ER first, just in case Edward had gotten called back to work.
She spotted Angela at the nurse's station and went right to her.
"Hey Ange," she said, leaning forward on the counter. "is Edward here?"
"No, he's still on break." Angela replied as she sifted through a stack of charts. "Why?"
"Carlisle wants me to ask him something."
"Ah," Angela said. "Well he stopped by and said he'd be in the lounge."
Bella thanked her and quickly left the ER. It took her a few minutes to find the doctor's lounge since she had only been there once – with Angela on her first day – and hadn't paid enough attention to where she was going.
The doctor's lounge was a fairly large room that connected to the women's and men's locker rooms. Windows line the wall across from the doorway, brightly lighting the room. There seemed to be an invisible line that cut the room in half. On the left side there were two tables a little larger than the ones in the cafeteria. There was also a stove, a refrigerator and a counter with a sink that lined the wall. A coffee maker and microwave sat on the counter. On the right side of the room were two couches placed kitty-corner to each other – one against the wall under the windows and one towing the invisible line. There was also a set of armchairs that completed a squared-off horseshoe with the two couches. A coffee table sat neatly in the middle.
A large flatscreen tv was bolted to the far right wall, facing the seating area. The rest of the space was taken up by the doors to the locker rooms. Across the room, opposite the windows, were two vending machines; one for water and soda, and one for snacks.
Bella noticed immediately that Edward wasn't there and prepared to leave when she heard a locker slam shut in the men's room.
'Maybe Edward's in there...' she thought as she walked to the locker room door. Reaching for the handle, she stopped short. 'What are you doing?! You can't just go into the men's locker room!' She decided to wait for him to come out and sat down on one of the couches.
Five minutes passed.
Ten minutes passed.
'Is that the shower?' Curiously, she went back to the door and and opened it the tiniest bit.
One of the three showers was being used.
Bella bit her lip as she wondered what to do. Should she wait until he came out? What would happen if she waited and it turned out that it was someone else besides Edward in there? She would have wasted time when she could have already found where Edward really was and gotten Carlisle's information... No, she definitely needed to make sure it was Edward in the locker room.
Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the door and locked it behind her. She didn't need anyone else catching her in there where she didn't belong. With her luck she'd get written up for sexual harassment in the workplace.
She passed a few rows of lockers and stopped at the corner where they ended. Around that corner and to the left were three shower stalls. She hadn't truly expected to see who was in the shower but rather a clue that it was Edward in there. Maybe his white coat with his name on it would be hanging up... She spotted the coat, folded and sitting on a bench right across from the stalls.
'Great.' She thought bitterly. There was no way she could see the name on his coat without going over and running the serious risk of being caught. 'I should just go out and wait.'
That sounded like a solid plan until she glanced toward the shower stalls.
It was Edward.
The curtain on the stall in use hung slightly open, just enough for her to see a little of him standing away from the water raining down. He stepped under the water to wash his hair.
Okay, make that a lot of him.
Bella couldn't help but watch his delicious body – delicious, wet body. She had figured he had a nice physique, but seeing him naked just proved it without a doubt. He was tall and skinny, but not too skinny. By the way the muscles in his arms, back and legs flexed as he moved, she could tell he worked out. His muscles were toned but not cut and bulky. She was thankful for that; she liked real men, not ones who looked like bodybuilders.
She had to grip onto the corner of the wall when Edward turned his back to the water. Eyeing him hungrily, she let her gaze go from his beautiful face down to his slightly hairy chest. Her hands itched to run along his chest, up over his shoulders and into his hair. Her eyes traveled farther down and she couldn't stop the noise that came from her – half gasp, half moan. His manhood was very impressive. She felt heat pool between her legs, wanting to feel his body pressed against hers.
He turned again and her eyes widened. Was he...
'Sweet baby jesus. He's hard!'
Her breathing picked up as she imagined herself in the shower with him. Even though she had never wanted to give a man oral sex before, she would have no problem getting down on her knees and taking Edward into her mouth.
In the far back of her head her conscience told her to stop being a complete creep and get out of the locker room. But she had no choice. She couldn't tear her eyes away from his glorious body.
A low, quiet moan came from him as she watched him wrap his hand around his cock. His other hand came up to rest against the wall, holding him up, and his head hung down under the water.
Edward grunted as he slid his hand along his length and Bella forced herself to rush out of the locker room before she did something stupid.
Perched rigidly on the edge of one of the couches, she clasped her hands together and tried to think of anything other than what she had just seen. She tried to think of something completely repulsive to ease the throbbing ache between her thighs. Her attempts failed; all she could think about was joining Edward in the shower. She closed her eyes, imagining how good it would feel to press her naked body against his. Her nipples hardened at just the thought of his bare chest brushing against them... or his tongue and teeth.
"Oh dear god." She breathed out, putting her head in her hands and gripping onto her hair. Her heart was racing and her face felt hot.
Her head snapped up, practically giving her whiplash. How long had she been sitting there? Edward stood there in a fresh pair of blue scrubs, his hair towel dried. It stood at all angles and she watched him run his hand through it. She wanted so badly for his hands to lace into her hair.
"What're you doing here?" He asked. His eyes widened when he saw her flushed cheeks. "Are you okay?"
She nodded and smoothed her own hair out. "I, uh..." Shaking her head, she tried to snap out of the lustful daze she was in. "Uh, Carlisle tried calling you but you didn't answer so he sent me to find you."
He rolled his eyes and walked over to the vending machines. "I'm assuming he wants an answer from me." He slid a couple of dollars into the soda machine. "Do you want a drink?"
"Sure, thanks. I'll take a cock- COKE!"
'Ohmigod. Fuck my life.'
He raised an eyebrow at her as he pulled a couple of more dollars from his pocket.
"Actually, I should probably just get back upstairs." She stood up and, for a moment, didn't know what to do. Then her brain kicked into action and she headed for the door.
"Bella." He called and she turned to face him nervously. "Tell Carlisle that I'll be there."
"Sure, okay. I will." She said and rushed out the door.
'Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod...' She felt like she was hyperventilating inside her head. 'Could you have been any more awkward around him?! Jeez!'
There was no way that she could look him in the face now. All she would ever be able to think about when she saw him was watching him start to masturbate in the shower. And hearing the sounds coming from him...
'Oh dear lord.' The ache was back.
This would definitely make her job and following Carlisle's rules that much more difficult.
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