They both looked toward the front door when they heard a frantic knock. Alice put her coffee down and went to answer it.
“I found it!” Bella heard Rosalie yell excitedly. She appeared in the kitchen a moment later, followed by Alice, and threw a bridal magazine onto the counter.
“Found what?” Bella asked.
“My wedding dress!” Rosalie rolled her eyes and opened the magazine to a page she had bookmarked.
“It's about time!” Alice grabbed the magazine up to get a better look. “I mean, really Rose, I've had my dress picked out for ages and I'm not even really dating anyone!”
“I wanted the perfect dress.” Rosalie explained. “I didn't want to settle.”
“I hope you can get it in time,” Bella threw in, “since the wedding's in a month and a half.”
“She'll have it in time.” Alice said as she studied the magazine.
Bella didn't doubt Alice's words. One of the reasons why Alice was the maid of honor was that she could get things done. She had a way about her; innocent on the outside and feisty on the inside. Bella could picture Alice nagging some poor saleswoman at a bridal shop to make sure the dress arrived in time. The girl wouldn't give up until she had her way and things were perfectly in order.
That made Alice perfect for the spot of Rosalie's maid of honor. All of the duties that came with that title... Bella wasn't jealous one bit.
Taking a sip of her coffee, Bella reached out for the magazine. Alice handed it over and began discussing more wedding details with Rosalie.
The dress Rosalie had picked out had a large diamond encrusted broach on the middle of the top which had straps reaching up around the neck. The dress hugged the model's body loosely and flowed to the floor.
It was beautifully elegant and she knew Rosalie would look absolutely stunning in it.
By the time Bella left for the hospital that morning, Alice had called in 'sick' to work so that she and Rosalie could work more on the wedding plans. Bella knew she could expect the living room to look like a wedding planner's imagination had exploded all over it when she came home from work later.
She got to work at 8AM and went about getting things in order for when Carlisle got in. The morning was nice and quiet since Carlisle didn't have any appointments scheduled until after lunch.
At around eleven thirty Carlisle stepped out of his office.
“I'm going down to the ER and then going to lunch.” He said and she nodded. “I'll see you after lunch.”
Bella felt jealous as she watched him leave the office. She wished she had an excuse to go down to the ER. Edward was there. She smiled to herself when she remembered how he had winked at her.
The phone rang, breaking into her memories of her first meeting with the Head of the ER.
“Dr. Cullen's office. How can I help you?” She answered professionally.
“Hey Bella, it's Angela.”
“Hey Ange, what's up?” Bella said as she turned to her computer and double checked the appointments for that afternoon.
“If you don't have plans already, do you want to meet for lunch in the cafeteria?”
“Yeah, that'd be great.” She felt a little relieved; she had been wondering if she was going to have to have lunch alone. Emmett already had lunch plans with someone else.
They met in the cafeteria a half an hour later and chose a table in the back. Angela said she loved to sit in the back so that she could people-watch.
“So, how was your first day?” Angela asked.
“Good.” Bella replied, unwrapping her sandwich she had brought from home. “I don't think I screwed anything up.”
Once again the memory of what happened with Edward popped into her head.
'Maybe I shouldn't have thrown myself in front of him.' She thought and felt her cheeks heating up. 'It seemed like a good idea at the time.' The look on Edward's face when he suddenly found her between him and the door was something she couldn't get out of her head. 'Ugh, he probably thinks I'm a spazz.'
She decided to try not to think about it.
“Bella?” Angela said, breaking into her thoughts.
Bella refocused her attention on Angela. “Sorry.”
She just smiled. “It's okay, you've got a lot on your plate.” She frowned slightly then and reached into her bag. “I just feel bad that I'm going to add more to it.”
Bella watched curiously as Angela placed a folder on the table.
“I completely forgot to tell you about this yesterday.” Angela explained, sliding the folder across the table to her. “There's a big medical conference in California in two weeks. Carlisle and a few other people will be going. It's three days; Friday, October 30th to Sunday, November 1st. You'll be flying out there that Thursday night and coming home that Sunday night.”
Bella looked up from the papers that the folder held. “I'll be going?”
“Yeah.” She continued to frown. “I hope you didn't already have anything planned.”
'Thankfully no.' Bella thought and shook her head in reply to Angela.
“Okay, good.” She reached over and pointed to one of the papers Bella was looking at. “This is the itinerary for the whole trip and here,” she pointed to another paper, “is a list of the things you're expected to do to help Carlisle if he needs anything. The hotel information's in there, too. I have already set everyone up with rooms.”
Bella listened carefully to everything Angela was saying. It was all so overwhelming at first but the more Angela talked the more at ease she felt.
“I'll be going, too.” She added.
“You will?” Bella asked, excited that she would have a friend along with her. Someone who knew her job and could help her if she needed it. She had never assisted a boss at a conference before.
“Yeah, I'll be there to assist Dr. Masen.”
Bella's heart felt like it slammed to a halt. She was going to be away from home with Edward. The possibilities were numerous... and a bad idea considering the no-dating policy.
“Yeah,” Bella cleared her throat nervously, “I met him yesterday.”
“Oh, you did? He's so nice, isn't he?”
Bella nodded, still feeling a bit dazed at the thought of staying in a hotel with Edward.
'Oh please,” She thought, 'it's not like you're sharing a room with him.'
“Anyway,” Angela continued, “the thing I'm looking forward to is the banquet on that Saturday night. Since it's on Halloween this year I guess they decided to have a masquerade theme. It sounds like it should be fun.”
'That does sound like fun, especially if Edward's all dressed up.' She bit her lip at the thought of Edward in a tux. She then shook her head at herself. 'Jeez, Bella, you're pathetic. You've only just met the guy.'
“So that's what I needed to talk to you about.” Angela said and checked her watch. “I need to get to the ER and get ready to start my shift.” She rolled her eyes playfully. “Should be interesting.”
Bella laughed and said goodbye as she rushed out of the cafeteria.
She looked down at the folder Angela had given her as she finished her sandwich. A large body bumped into her then and she looked up to find Emmett sliding into the booth beside her.
“Slide over, Bells.” He said cheerfully.
She did, not particularly in the mood to be sat on at that moment. There was only a moment where she wondered why he hadn't sat across from her before Edward slid into the seat across from them. Her heart jumped into her throat.
“Sitting alone?” Emmett teased. “That makes me sad for you.”
“Angela just left.” She replied, noticing the massive amount of food he had on his plate. “Holy crow, Emmett. You have enough food to feed a third world family for a week! Are you eating for two?” She teased back, quirking an eyebrow at him. “Because you should really let Rose know.”
Edward chuckled. Bella thought it was the best sound she had ever heard.
'I bet hearing him moan my name would be even better.' She was immediately surprised at herself for having that thought and bit her lip.
“You're feisty today.” Emmett said and took a bite of his burger. “Feisty Bella is fun.”
She blushed and dared a glance at Edward. He shot her a crooked grin and the butterflies in her stomach went crazy.
“Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I have to get back upstairs.” She said and elbowed Emmett in the side a few times until he let her out of the booth.
“See yah later.” Emmett said, his mouth once again full of food.
“Bye.” She turned and headed for the door. An excited chill ran up her back; she could feel Edward's eyes on her.
Edward watched her go and then looked at his food as soon as she was out of sight. “Is that the Bella you've told me about? She seems nice.” He said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Emmett stopped, his burger half way to his mouth, and looked across the table. “Dude...”
Edward looked up. “What?”
“Your dad would kill you,” he shook his head. “Especially after what happened with Tanya.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Edward said defensively. “All I said was that she seems nice.”
“Right.” Emmett said sarcastically and popped a fry into his mouth.
The rest of the work day was generally uneventful for Bella and, before she knew it, she was heading home. The living room of the apartment was just how she expected it would be. Some serious wedding planning had taken place that day.
“Hey!” Alice greeted when Bella entered the living room. “Check it out, we got so much stuff done today.”
“I don't think my Aunt Sheryl should sit at the same table as my parents.” Rosalie said, inspecting the seating chart.
Alice rolled her eyes. “We've already changed the chart four times.”
“Yeah,” Rosalie said, biting lightly on her thumbnail as she thought, “but she drinks and then fights with my dad.”
Bella raised an eyebrow and shook her head. “I think I need some wine.”
“Good idea!” Alice said, her eyes never leaving the plans she was going over. “Get us some, too.”
“Yes, ma'am.” She replied sarcastically.
She changed quickly out of her work clothes and into a pair of jeans and her favorite shirt to wear when she wasn't planning on going out; her Hufflepuff shirt from the Harry Potter series. It was black with the Hufflepuff crest on the front. It hugged her body in all the right places and she loved it. On her way back to the living room she grabbed three wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.
“How was work today?” Alice asked, again not taking her eyes off of the wedding plans.
“Oh, just fine, darling.” Bella answered teasingly as she poured the wine. She gave herself a little more than she gave the other two girls and sat down next to Alice on the couch.
She was still thinking about Edward. He seemed to be constantly on her mind since she had met him the day before. Part of her wished she could stop thinking about him, but the other part never wanted to.
'Maybe the wine will take my mind off of him.' She thought and took a large sip from her glass. She picked up the remote and began channel surfing.
“Um, hello?” Rosalie said loudly. “We're trying to fix the seating chart.”
“Don't let me bother you.” Bella said, sticking her tongue out and smiling. She settled on a channel playing Not Another Teen Movie. “Yes!”
“Are you serious?”
“What? I love this movie!” Bella rolled her eyes and tucked the remote between herself and the arm of the couch, just in case Rosalie tried to steal it.
“Aren't you remotely interested in my wedding plans?”
“I love you, Rose, but I don't know the first thing about planning a wedding.” Bella took another large sip of her wine. “All I really need to know is what dress I'm wearing and who I'm walking down the aisle with.”
“Wow,” Rosalie said with a frown, “thanks, Bella.”
“It's the wine.” Alice told her. “It hits her fast.”
Bella snorted a laugh and turned her attention to the tv.
Alice and Rosalie went back to planning the wedding while Bella continued to drink. She remained silent as she watched the movie and steadily became more and more intoxicated. Rosalie left for home around 7:30PM and Alice began to put the wedding plans away.
“You know what I need?” Bella asked lazily.
“Coffee?” Alice guessed with a smile; she always found 'Drunk Bella' amusing.
“No,” Bella rolled her eyes. “Some cheese. Cheese goes great with wine.” She jumped up from the couch and had to steady herself, then stumbled to the kitchen.
“Do you want me to cut it for you?” Alice followed her into the kitchen. “You're clumsy enough when you're sober so maybe you shouldn't be handling a knife right now.”
“You worry too much.” She replied, pulling a block of muenster cheese out of the refrigerator and setting it on the counter. “I need a cutting board.”
Alice watched her open one of the cupboards above the counter and then leave it open as she moved on to the next one. When Bella didn't find the cutting board above the counter, she moved to the ones under the counter.
“So,” Bella began, “who am I walking down the aisle with?”
“I'm walking with Jared,” Alice listed, counting the couples off on her fingers. “You're walking with Paul-”
“Ugh.” Bella grumbled. She had never liked Paul but Emmett had grown up with him. She would just have to deal with him. 'Just for one day.'
“And Victoria's walking with Edward.” Alice finished.
“What?!” Bella yelled, jumping up and banging her head on the corner of an open cupboard door. “Ah, ow!!!”
“Ohmigod, are you okay?!” Alice rushed to her and pushed the hair away from the gash on Bella's forehead.
“It's okay, I'm okay.” Bella said. “Who did you say Victoria's walking with?”
“You're bleeding really bad.” Alice said, ignoring her question. “I think you need stitches.”
“You're overreacting.”
“I am not.”
Bella began to really see the worry in her best friend's eyes.
“Please let me take you to the hospital, Bella.”
Her eyes widened. “I can't go to the hospital. I'm too drunk.”
“Well, sober up and get your purse 'cause we're going.” Alice said sternly and went to grab her own purse and car keys.
Twenty minutes later, Bella found herself being dragged through the emergency room doors. Alice had given her a small hand towel to hold against her forehead. As her head continued to bleed she began to smell the metallic scent of the blood and became lightheaded.
“Here,” Alice pushed her down into a chair. “You stay here.”
Bella nodded and looked down. “Ohmigod!” She gasped quietly.
“What?!” Alice asked quickly, checking to see if Bella had another wound she didn't know about.
“Look at my shirt!” She hissed.
Alice looked at her shirt and, after a moment, shrugged. “What's wrong with it?”
“I'm wearing a Harry Potter shirt.” She replied. “This is so embarrassing. People are going to think I'm such a loser.”
Shaking her head, Alice turned to walk to the reception desk. “Just stay here.”
'Where else am I gonna go?' Bella thought to herself, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. She tried to block out the smell of her blood by breathing through her mouth.
Opening her eyes, Bella looked over to see Angela walking over with Alice.
“Are you okay?” Angela asked and reached for her hand that held the towel. “Let me see your head.”
She let Angela look and, after a moment, Angela let her put her hand back up.
“Let's get it cleaned up and we'll see if you need stitches.” Angela told her. “Can you walk? Do you feel like you're going to faint?”
“I'm fine.” Bella shook her head, stood up and followed Angela into an empty triage room.
There were two doors; one leading to the reception area and one leading to the main emergency area where people were taken when they came in by ambulance. There was a counter against the left wall with a sink, a cabinet and an x ray display light. A small hospital bed took up most of the room. There were two chairs also in the room; a regular one and a rolling stool.
Alice took a seat in the chair next to the bed and Angela had Bella sit on the bed.
“Okay, someone will be right in to take care of you, Bella.” Angela said and disappeared through the door that lead to the main emergency area.
“I'm glad Angela was out front or we would have been waiting forever.” Alice commented as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“I wish I wasn't wearing this fucking shirt.”
Alice rolled her eyes. “You look fine. Oh!” She sat up straighter as her phone began to vibrate. She leapt out of her chair, a huge smile appearing on her face. “I'll be right back.”
Bella watched her go out to the waiting room with a frown.
“Sure, leave the injured girl all by herself.” She mumbled to herself. She closed her eyes again and lay back on the bed. 'I'm not gonna say 'this night couldn't get any worse' because then it will.'
“Wow, you look like crap.”
Bella's eyes flew open to see Edward standing at the end of the bed, smiling. The butterflies in her stomach started up again.
“Really?” She sat up, lettering her legs hang over the side of the bed. “Is that your professional opinion?” She pulled the towel away to see if she was still bleeding.
“Yes it is. I went to medical school just so I could tell people they look like crap and get away with it.” He chuckled.
She watched him reach into the cabinet, pull out a pair of gloves and put them on. As he walked over to her, her heart started to beat faster.
“Alright, let's see it.” He said, pulling her hand away from her forehead.
A tingling feeling ran through her whole body from the contact of his hand on hers. She loved the feeling of his fingertips on the palm of her hand.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
Her eyes snapped up to look into his. They were a beautiful emerald green.
'God, he's gorgeous.'
“You're breathing kind of heavy. Do you feel like you're going to pass out?”
She shook her head and looked away from his eyes. She didn't want him to think she was gaping at him. But he was still holding her hand.
He nodded but didn't look as though he was fully convinced. Turning his attention back to her forehead, he pushed her hair away from the gash she was sporting.
“If you were trying to crack your head open you certainly made a good attempt.” Edward commented and turned to reach into the cabinet again. “You might have a concussion."
“Mm.” Bella watched him closely.
He came back to her with some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol. “This will probably sting a little.” He said apologetically as he poured some rubbing alcohol onto the cotton.
“I'm used to it. I'm very accident prone.” She said but still hissed when the cotton touched her wound.
“Well it's a good thing you know an ER doc then.” He smiled.
“Yeah,” she agreed with a short laugh and earned a wider smile from him. “Definitely a good thing.” She had to stop herself from giggling. 'What? I never giggle.'
The room was silent for a minute as he finished cleaning up her forehead.
“Looks like you're going to need a few stitches.” He said with a frown. He handed her a piece of gauze and placed her hand with it over the cut. “Hold that there for me.”
'Anything for you.' She wanted to say.
“I'll be right back.” He told her and disappeared through the door.
'Okay Bella,' she scolded herself, 'pull yourself together. You know how you get when you drink alcohol. Don't let it take over your hormones!' She sighed sadly. 'But he looks so delicious.'
Edward came back quickly with a tray of things to do her stitches; a syringe, thread, needles and a small pair of clamps. She had seen it all before, she had gotten stitches so many times.
“Since you say you're accident prone I'm sure you know this is going to hurt a little.” Edward placed the tray on a small table with wheels and pulled it closer to himself. He stood in front of her, between her legs.
Her heart sped up. 'Calm down, Bella. Calm down.'
“I'm going to numb it with some Lidocaine.” He said, picking up the syringe.
She braced herself and shut her eyes tightly.
“Don't hold your breath,” he told her as he leaned forward with the syringe. “Try to focus on something else.”
She let out the breath she hadn't known she had been holding and opened her eyes. All she could focus on was him as he put the syringe down. She hadn't even felt the shot. He picked up a needle and threaded it. She had to look away when she started to feel anxious about the needle.
“Ready?” Edward asked when he turned back to her with the needle, thread and pair of clamps.
She made a noncommittal noise.
“Remember, focus on something else.”
She looked up as he leaned forward again and focused on his lips. Her heart sped up again. All she wanted to do was lean up, lace her fingers through his hair and pull him to her. She wanted to kiss his soft lips and close her legs enough to feel his legs against her thighs. Letting out a shaky breath, she tried not to squirm as she sat there.
“You alright?” He asked, his breath fanning over her.
“Mhm...” She replied and let her eyes close.
He chuckled. “I've never had someone smile while getting stitches before.”
Her eyes opened again and she saw the crooked grin on his face. “I wasn't-... the wine-...” She cut herself off and snapped her mouth shut.
His grin widened. “Bella,” he teased, “were you drinking tonight?”
“Um,” she said dumbly.
“I assume that's why you banged your head.”
“Um,” she said again, “not exactly...”
He opened his mouth to say something just as the door opened and Alice came in.
“Oh, hi Edward.” She said with a big smile.
Bella could tell Alice had just gotten off the phone with Jasper. She was glowing.
“Hey, Alice.” He greeted. “How are the wedding plans going?”
“Great. Rose and I worked all day on them. We should have everything settled soon.” She told him, sitting down in the chair on the other side of the bed. “You'll be walking with Rosalie's sister, Victoria.”
Bella frowned slightly but tried to hide it from Edward.
“I'm sure whatever you plan will make for a fun time.” He tied off the stitches and cut the thread. “Okay, all done. I do want you to get a scan to make sure you don't have a concussion though.”
“I'm sure I'm fine.” She shrugged and shook her head.
“Please?” He asked as he taped a piece of gauze to her forehead, over her brand new stitches. “It would make me feel better to know that you're okay.”
Looking up at him she could see the worry in his eyes. How could she say 'no' to that look?
“Okay.” She caved and was glad to see him smile again.
“I'll go get it set up.” He said, heading for the door with the tray he had brought in. “Sit tight.”
“Don't worry, I won't let her run away.” Alice reassured him.
Edward nodded and left the room.
Alice turned to Bella and raised an eyebrow.
“What?” Bella asked apprehensively.
Alice shook her head and smiled. “Oh, nothing.”
Bella rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
Alice giggled.
Just as Bella thought, she didn't have a concussion. Edward sent her home with instructions on how to take care of the stitches, even though she already knew how. Alice took her home and, after cleaning up the wine glasses that had been left out, she went to bed.
When she fell asleep that night she dreamt of Dr. Edward Masen.
Bella's Hufflepuff shirt
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